Parkinson Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement. It develops gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. But while a tremor may be the most well-known sign of Parkinson’s disease, the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement. In the early stages of […]

Oral Thrush

Oral thrush — also called oral candidiasis — is a condition in which the fungus Candida albicans accumulates on the lining of your mouth. Candida is a normal organism in your mouth, but sometimes it can overgrow and cause symptoms. Symptoms Initially, you may not even notice symptoms of oral thrush. Depending on the underlying […]


Obesity is a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It increases your risk of diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Symptoms Obesity is diagnosed when your body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher. Your body mass index is […]

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a term used to describe the accumulation of fat in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol. It is common and, for most people, causes no signs and symptoms and no complications. Symptoms Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease usually causes no signs and symptoms. When it does, they […]

Nasal Polyp

Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses. They hang down like teardrops or grapes. They result from chronic inflammation due to asthma, recurring infection, allergies, drug sensitivity or certain immune disorders. Symptoms Common signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps include: A runny nose […]


What is a migraine A migraine is a throbbing, intense headache in one half of the head. It can affect people of all ages. The cause of migraine is not known. It used to be thought that during an attack, the blood vessels in the brain dilate and then draw together with stimulation of nerve […]


Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes (meninges) surrounding your brain and spinal cord. Symptoms It’s easy to mistake the early signs and symptoms of meningitis for the flu (influenza). Meningitis signs and symptoms may develop over several hours or over one or two days. The signs and symptoms that may occur in anyone older […]


Measles is a childhood infection caused by a virus. Once quite common, measles can now almost always be prevented with a vaccine. Signs and symptoms of measles include cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, sore throat, fever and a red, blotchy skin rash. Also called rubeola, measles can be serious and even fatal for small children. […]

Male Infertility

Up to 15 percent of couples are infertile. This means they aren’t able to conceive a child even though they’ve had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In up to half of these couples, male infertility plays a role. Symptoms Although most men with male infertility do not notice symptoms other than […]

Male Hair loss

What is male hair loss (male pattern baldness/androgenic alopecia)? Male hair loss is the most common type of hair loss. It’s caused by increased sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens) in certain parts of the scalp, and is passed on from generation to generation. What causes male hair loss? Some men have areas on the […]