
Allergies Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander that doesn’t cause a reaction in most people. Symptoms Allergy symptoms depend on the substance involved and can involve the airways, sinuses and nasal passages, skin, and digestive system. Allergic reactions can range from mild […]

A SMART Approach to Weight Loss

SMART Approach to Weight Loss When it comes to weight loss, it’s easy to focus only on the number of pounds you need to lose without much thought given to lasting “lifestyle” changes. Successful weight loss is not so much about a number on the scale, it’s about adopting a lifestyle and setting goals that […]

Getting Fit for Life

Exercise and Physical Activity: Getting Fit for Life Exercise and physical activity are good for you, no matter how old you are. In fact, staying active can help you: Keep and improve your strength so you can stay independent Have more energy to do the things you want to do Improve your balance Prevent or delay some […]

Healthy Eating Plan

Healthy Eating Plan A healthy eating plan gives your body the nutrients it needs every day while staying within your daily calorie goal for weight loss. A healthy eating plan also will lower your risk for heart disease and other health conditions. A healthy eating plan: Emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat […]

How to Quit Smoking

How to Quit Smoking Smoking is implicated as a risk factor for many health problems, including: Premature death: cigarette smoking is the single most important cause of premature death. Most premature deaths caused by smoking are due to lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary heart disease. Cancers of the upper respiratory tract, oesophagus, […]

How to Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight Weight-loss basics Your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation. Fad diets may promise you that counting carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit will make the pounds drop off. But when it comes to weight loss, it’s calories that count. Weight loss comes down to […]

Animal Bites

Stop Bleeding Apply direct pressure until bleeding stops. Clean and Protect For a wound or superficial scratch from an animal bite: Gently clean with soap and warm water. Rinse for several minutes after cleaning. Apply antibiotic cream to reduce risk of infection, and cover with a sterile bandage. Get Help Get medical help immediately for […]

Bleeding Cuts or Wounds

Stop Bleeding Apply direct pressure on the cut or wound with a clean cloth, tissue, or piece of gauze until bleeding stops. If blood soaks through the material, don’t remove it. Put more cloth or gauze on top of it and continue to apply pressure. If the wound is on the arm or leg, raise […]


Burn management Burns can be minor medical problems or life-threatening emergencies. Many people die each year from fire-related burn injuries. Electricity and chemicals also cause severe burns. Scalding liquids are the most common cause of burns in children Treatment of burns depends on the location and severity of the injury. Sunburns and small scalds can […]


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a first aid technique that can be used if someone is not breathing properly or if their heart has stopped. Usually we use the acronym of CAB — compression, airway, breathing — to help people remember the order to perform the steps of CPR.   Compression: Restore blood […]